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At Drug Science we like to cover different topics relating to drugs. These topics cover the many different ways that psychoactive substances have an impact on our culture and society.

Psychedelic drug use in healthy individuals: A review of benefits, costs, and implications for drug policy
The potential of psychedelic drugs in the treatment of mental health problems is increasingly being recognized. However, relatively little t
Drug Science
Jul 26, 20171 min read

Specific harm reduction strategies employed by MDMA/ecstasy users in the United States and the United Kingdom
Both recreational and problematic 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA)/ecstasy users could benefit from employing harm reduction...
Drug Science
May 29, 20171 min read

WHO and UNDP change in leadership: What views on drug policy and harm reduction?
The UN General Assembly Special Session on drugs held in April 2016 has been organized by the international drug control entities, but...
Drug Science
May 4, 20171 min read

The 15th anniversary of the Portuguese drug policy: Its history, its success and its future
Fifteen years ago when Portugal decriminalized the consumption of all narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances it was both a bold and a...
Drug Science
Jan 1, 20171 min read

Constructing drug effects: A history of set and setting
Set and setting is a term which refers to the psychological, social, and cultural parameters which shape the response to psychedelic...
Drug Science
Jan 1, 20171 min read

Do the risks of khat-induced dependence and psychosis warrant the 2014 UK ban?
Khat leaves originate in East Africa and the Arabian Peninsula and are chewed socially for their psychoactive properties. The main...
Drug Science
Feb 12, 20161 min read

Public policies on the use of drugs in Mexico and Latin America
Recently, there has been a more profound political debate in Latin American countries around the possibilities of legal regulation and...
Drug Science
Nov 18, 20152 min read

Underground MDMA-, LSD- and 2-CB-assisted individual and group psychotherapy in Zurich: Outcomes, implications and commentary
Underground psychedelic-assisted psychotherapy has persisted in Europe despite the banning of the substances LSD and MDMA in the 1960s...
Drug Science
Mar 24, 20151 min read

Health-related and legal interventions: A comparison of allegedly delinquent and convicted opioid addicts in Austria
In Austria, judges can offer quasi-compulsory treatment options (in- and outpatient settings) as an alternative to imprisonment for...
Drug Science
Apr 14, 20142 min read

Khat and alcohol harm comparison
As the khat ban approached, DrugScience commissioned a review of khat harms, following the detailed and rigorous report from the UK...
Drug Science
Apr 3, 20143 min read

Ecstasy, legal highs and designer drug use: A Canadian perspective
Recreational drug use in Canada is not uncommon, but as with most societies, illegal drug use carries harsh penalties resulting in a...
Drug Science
Feb 10, 20141 min read

Khat (Catha edulis): A systematic review of evidence and literature pertaining to its harms to UK users and society
The use of khat (Catha edulis) has been associated with a large number of physiological and societal harms, leading to calls for it to be...
Drug Science
Jul 25, 20131 min read
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