Better late than never? After 82 years the WHO reviews cannabis!
At Drug Science we like to cover different topics relating to drugs. These topics cover the many different ways that psychoactive substances have an impact on our culture and society.
I blame Fabric’s closure on this country’s backward drugs policy
Expert Report on cannabis legalisation for the Liberal Democrats
Cannabis Review for the attention of the WHO
The poppers ban is a veiled attack on pleasure
Ketamine as an essential medicine
Do the risks of khat-induced dependence and psychosis warrant the 2014 UK ban?
Public policies on the use of drugs in Mexico and Latin America
How one patch of grass became the UK's first ever decriminalised drugs space
Professor David Nutt: Throwing the Baby Out With the Bath Water: Irrational Drug Laws and Medical Research
Briefing notes on the Psychoactive Substances Bill 2015
Amphetamine driving consultation 2015
Underground MDMA-, LSD- and 2-CB-assisted individual and group psychotherapy in Zurich: Outcomes, implications and commentary
The UK needs common sense about ketamine
The Superman pill deaths are the result of our illogical drugs policy
New Psychoactive Substances - a minimum dataset
Health-related and legal interventions: A comparison of allegedly delinquent and convicted opioid addicts in Austria
Khat and alcohol harm comparison
Harms of nicotine-containing products
“Ravaged by drugs”? Let’s spread facts, not fear; science, not stigma
Figures for UK deaths from legal highs cannot be trusted
Ecstasy, legal highs and designer drug use: A Canadian perspective
Khat (Catha edulis): A systematic review of evidence and literature pertaining to its harms to UK users and society
Drug driving consultation 2013