Today (16 January 2023) Drug Science announces that its medicinal cannabis patient registry ‘T21’ is continuing for a fourth year — and for the foreseeable future.
Now known as T21 (formerly Project Twenty21) the initial phase of the registry ran from Nov 2019 to Dec 2022. With the support of existing and new partners, it will continue its mission to grant eligible patients access to medical cannabis treatment at a discounted price, and use patient-reported data to achieve our ultimate goal: for the NHS to cover the cost of treatment with medical cannabis.
This next phase of T21 will be supported by our founding partners Khiron Life Sciences Corp, Leva (formerly known as Cellen Health) and JMCC Group and joined by new medical cannabis companies who will partner with the project. The new formulary will contain a broad variety of cannabis-based medicinal products (CBMPs) available to T21’s registered participants, including different THC/CBD ratios of both dried cannabis flowers (flos) and cannabis extracts (oils) enabling prescribers and patients to have access to the right medication.
Costs of medication are determined by each producer who partners with T21. However, we are pleased to announce that our founding partners Khiron Life Sciences Corp, Leva and JMCC Group have confirmed that they will not change their existing pricing.
Please speak to your clinician should you require any further details on pricing.
And as T21 begins its new chapter, we welcome Canopy Growth (under the Spectrum Therapeutical medical brand) and Ethypharm to the project, who will join our valued and longstanding partners Khiron Life Sciences Corp, Leva and JMCC Group. Each partner enables T21 to offer its new range of discounted medical cannabis products, and we are grateful for their essential support.
Thanks to the involvement of all our legacy partners, we have now collected a significant amount of real-world evidence from c. 3.500 patients which is enhancing our understanding of the effectiveness of CBPMs in a range of conditions.
With these patients’ help, Drug Science and Khiron Life Sciences have delivered detailed scientific findings from T21 data which demonstrate how cannabis medicines can support a better quality of life, better quality sleep, improved mood, reduced pain intensity, reduced reliance on opiates and reduced PTSD and anxiety symptoms.
Step by step, these facts are how we can make whole-plant cannabis an affordable, available medicine in the UK. And Drug Science will continue to publish our T21 research for as long as we are able or needed to.
What can I expect to pay for T21 products?
We are pleased to announce that our founding partners Khiron Life Sciences Corp, Leva and JMCC Group have confirmed that they will not change their existing pricing.
T21 patients benefit from a minimum of 5% off the price of their products when prescribed from the T21 Formulary – this is the new pricing model, replacing the previous price cap model.
Prescription costs are determined by the producers who partner with T21, and dispensing pharmacies, so please speak to your clinician should you require any further details on pricing.
What if I am not being prescribed a product from the T21 Formulary?
You can be prescribed any medical cannabis product available in the UK and still take part in T21. The cost of your product will be determined by its producer.
If you wish to benefit from the T21 product discount, you can ask your clinician if there is a suitable equivalent product listed on our Formulary onto which you could move.
What new products are available on the T21 Formulary?
Like in the past, the new formulary of the project will contain a broad variety of medical cannabis-based products available to T21’s registered participants, including different THC/CBD rations for both dried cannabis flower and extracts. Further new products will be introduced in the coming months, so make sure you’re signed up to the T21 mailing list and ask your clinician for any updates.
What if my clinic is not participating in T21?
Clinics listed here are currently participating in the registry. Please email us at twenty21@drugscience.org.uk if a member of clinic staff has told you otherwise.
If your clinic is not listed as a T21 participant, you will soon be able to take part in T21 as we plan to change the way in which we collect patient data. Stay tuned to the T21 newsletter for updates.
Can I take part in multiple medical cannabis registries?
Yes. You can give your data to multiple registries at the same time – this shouldn’t affect your participation in T21.
Why should I (continue to) give my data to T21?
T21 is the only cannabis registry that is independent of prescribers and clinics, so our research findings cannot be inappropriately influenced by commercial interests.
Our findings, therefore, carry more weight towards a future NHS acceptance of medical cannabis than those from alternative, commercially-associated clinics.
Will the T21 data be affected by the change in partners?
No, as we will continue to collect patient data regardless of whether the products prescribed are on the T21 Formulary. Data is not lost should patients choose to leave the registry because all the data we analyse is anonymous.
What data from the project has been published so far?
Last year, we published data on the characteristics of Chronic Pain patients on T21. Before that, we demonstrated through T21 data that medical cannabis improves Quality of Life by over 50%. In addition to peer-reviewed papers, we publish monthly data nuggets which offer a quick deep dive into what we’re finding in the data. Further, founding member of T21 Khiron Life Sciences has published two peer-reviewed papers focusing on patients prescribed Khiron products to treat chronic pain, anxiety and personality disorders.
What is the process if I choose to leave T21?
We hope that you will help us to demonstrate to policy makers that medical cannabis is safe, effective and should therefore be made available on the NHS.
However, if you decide that you want to leave the registry, please email us directly at twenty21@drugscience.org.uk